Monday, June 13, 2016

Part Of The Chorus

�If I lived inside my dreams
I could be most anything�,
sang Ray Davies.
It sounds personal when he lists
the things he could have been,
but I think it may be universal,
a list of similar dreams
that belongs to us all.
Top of mine would be to sing.
Not a singer on stage.
On stage I�d be a dancer, or actor,
No, I�d just be part of the audience,
part of the chorus, 
in tune with the rest.
joining in the Happy Birthdays -
not God Save the Queen, though,
that would be a step too far.
But �You�ll Never Walk Alone� 
at a football match would be cool.
Just part of the chorus,
able to meet the eyes of the rest
without embarrassment.
No one nudging me to sing
more quietly.
No one concerned that my discords
would distract them from their
A welcome voice,
in the chorus,
in tune with the rest.

First published by Silver Birch Press, in My Imaginary Skill series, June 2016

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