Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Did you try the Shell?
Did you try the motel up the street?
What do you need the phone for?
Your pharmacist?
Sure. Here you go.
Yes, here you go.
Well I'm sorry I don't have one.
A conversation I had with a lady near my job at a Family Services office in Surrey, UK, 10 May 2016. Submitted by Wanda Kehewin.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Poetry and the Ouija Board
In an unusual approach to a writing prompt, starting in the late sixties and early seventies, American poet James Merrill became interested in the occult and began using a Ouija board regularly to communicate with spirits. He began to use those conversations for his poems.
For most readers, the Ouija board is a game and I�m sure Merrill wasn�t interested in the debunkers of its occult powers, but if you want some science, look into the psychophysiological explanation under ideomotor effect. (For more on the Ouija board itself, see this related post.)
With his partner David Jackson, Merrill spent more than 20 years transcribing supernatural communications during s�ances using a Ouija board. He published his first Ouija board narrative in a poem for each of the letters A through Z, calling it �The Book of Ephraim.� It appeared in the collection Divine Comedies, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1977.
�The Book of Ephraim,� a 90-page narrative poem in that volume. It comes from those 20+ years using the Ouija board and revelations spelled out by Ephraim. That spirit was a Greek Jew once in the court of Tiberius. Merrill mixed his own personal memories with Ephraim�s messages. In Mirabell: Books of Number, a sequel to �The Book of Ephraim� he continued that path at even greater length.
Merrill is an interesting poet story. He had a pretty sweet early life as the son of a founding partner of the Merrill Lynch investment firm. He had a governess that taught him French and German. They lived on a 30-acre estate in Southampton. Yes, James rejected much of that and lived a fairly simple life.
When Merrill thought he had exhausted the Ouija inspiration, the �spirits� �ordered� (his word) him to write and publish more. That�s spooky. This led to further installments and finally a complete three-volume book titled The Changing Light at Sandover in 1982. It is a 560-page apocalyptic epic poem.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Of Monarchs and Milkweed
With the cacophony
of Interstate 35 traffic as a backdrop,
Tyler Seiboldt stands
on the side
of the freeway
with three other researchers,
scanning the ground.
Three ragweed, Seiboldt says to the group.
Litter one adds, Julian Chavez,
a research assistant
in the environmental science department.
Their seemingly indecipherable utterances
are the start of two days� study
of plants along the interstate
from San Antonio
to Laredo
and back again.
From Of Monarchs & Milkweed by Michelle Mondo, Sombrillo, The UTSA Magazine. Submitted by Ash Connell.
Love Romantic Poems in English for Her
Love You Alot
You are the prettiest,
You are the cutest,
If I had to invent a new word,
I would call you the most beautiful,
You are the most charming,
You are most intelligent,
I have never seen someone,
Who is so elegant,
You are the girl,
That every guy desires,
Baby, I Love You Alot,
For you, my heart is on fire.
"Into my world,
Of darkness and silance,
You brought light and Music,
When you lit my candle,
I Began to see and understand,
The taste and taxture of Love,
For the first time".
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
???? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??
Kei Miller,
English Romantic Poem I Lost Myself for Lovers
Monday, May 23, 2016
Nishit Saran
Half way down the Lodhi Road,
the first day of rain,
those who come here often must
be held by you, and pain,
and memory must, like memory does,
hold them in its skein,
remembering you, like always, with
the summer in your veins.
the first day of rain,
those who come here often must
be held by you, and pain,
and memory must, like memory does,
hold them in its skein,
remembering you, like always, with
the summer in your veins.
Lodhi Road,
Nishit Saran
Julia Chesley is Moving to Cape Cod
Julia Chesley says the world keeps on spinning, but as for me, i haven't moved in years.
I strongly dislike catering. It is something I�m doing for now. I don�t want it to become my life. That makes me feel guilty every now & again. I�ll never be the one to take over my parents� business
Julia Chesley is moving to Cape Cod in nine days.
Julia Chesley is moving to Cape Cod on THURSDAY!!
I just need a change from New Hampshire, from catering, from all the loneliness. I will leave my problems here, and just go.
Julia Chesley moves to Cape Cod TOMORROW!
I�m not really nervous at all.
Julia Chesley regrets procrastinating. Also (only slightly) regretful of the number of books to be moved. Oh dear...
My books are my best friends, and I need them. I can�t leave them. It would be like leaving pieces of my life.
Julia Chesley has the van loaded & is ready to go!
Rebecca Tolman Bryant wrote: Good luck! I hope you find what you are looking for.
Julia Chesley is moving today!! Much ? to NH...Cape Cod here I come!
Good bye New Hampshire! I'll be back to visit :) I'm moving to Cape Cod today. I'm excited & only a little nervous. No job yet, but the plan is to do whatever it takes to pay the bills in the beginning (i.e. waitress/caterer...eugh)...
Off on an adventure!
Julia Chesley lives on Cape Cod.
There, and writing it makes it so� if you can call this sea of boxes really living. Who am I without my sisters? Bailey, do you know?
Julia Chesley "I don't know who you're talking to/I made a search through every room,/but all I found was dust that moved/in shadows of the afternoon."
The apartment is so empty, so still.
Julia Chesley needs to find a second job. & fast.
Julia Chesley is making dinner.
For herself. Alone. Bailey watches me.
Kelsea Forsberg writes: how is the cape?!?! I'm so jealous Julia! Have you found a job or anything like that?
Ashley Campell wrote: How is your new life? ha ha
Julia Chesley HATES spiders. Eughhhh -shudders- NOT cool.
They are all over this house. And I think I see them everywhere. There was even one in my bed. I am not telling anyone about that one.
My status is: blank at the moment, but it might be �exists quietly� because, well, I do. I exist quietly.
Julia Chesley exists quietly.
Currently I am: feeling a little homesick and awfully lonely. Which in turn makes me feel pathetic. I�m 23. I ought to be more excited to start a new life.
Right now, I am listening to: the clock ticking inside and the birds chirping outside.
One of the things I miss most about college is the conversation. Intellectual, conscious, thought-provoking conversation.
Julia Chesley has killed 5 spiders in the past 2 hours. 2 in the bathroom, 1 in the livingroom, and 2 in the kitchen (one of which was the biggest one yet). HATEHATEHATE spiders :( :(
I love: my family, my friends, and my cat.
I hate: that I regret so much about my life.
Never in my life have I been: so uncertain.
My current annoyance is: the extraordinary number of spiders in this apartment.
Julia Chesley �the lows are so extreme that the good seems fucking cheap/And it teases you for weeks in its absence/But you'll fight and you'll make it through/You'll fake it if you have to� Rilo Kiley
My favorite animal is: cuddly, furry, and purrs. That would be a cat.
Julia Chesley is constantly amazed by the smallness of the world. I work with a woman who was in at least one of my English classes at PSU. Nice to see a friendly face!
I want to make the world a more beautiful place. I don�t know how just yet, but I know that it is something I want to do.
Julia Chesley has the day off & got a call from Casual Gourmet! Yay for a potential second job!!!
The thing I want to buy is: always more books.
Most recent thing I've bought myself: was groceries.
Julia Chesley has a second part time seasonal job. If I don't find a full time year round job...well, I'm not sure what will happen.
I read voraciously. My appetite for literature is huge & I wish I had someone to talk to about the things I read.
I�d rather buy a new book than buy groceries. & since I quit smoking, I have so much extra money to buy books! Savings account? Who needs that! Not when there are empty bookshelves to be filled!
Julia Chesley misses her sisters. A lot.
I don�t like children. Let me elaborate &/or rephrase that statement. It�s not that I don�t like children, I just don�t understand them. Or rather, they make me nervous.
Julia Chesley wishes she wasn't unhappy, but the truth is that she is.
I am looking forward to: figuring my life out.
Needless to say, I never went out for drama, nor did I pursue any creative writing avenues. I regret that. One of many regrets in my short life!
Julia Chesley I feel like a failure & just want to go back to NH where I have a job I'm good at that pays the bills, rent, while still allowing me to eat & purchase a book every now and then. :(
If I was an animal I'd: want to be a cat.
Julia Chesley thinks Bailey is sad too.
Julia Chesley misses New Hampshire. & her family. Oh, & having a job that pays the bills.
Fall is the best season, hands down. Perfect weather. Not too warm, not too cold. Just like baby bear�s porridge.
Julia Chesley wants to go home.
I am not very good at making decisions. I�ve had that same dilemma since I was young. Sorry if it�s frustrating! I just can�t say �yes� or �no� with certainty. It�s some sort of �have to please everyone� complex or something :p
Julia Chesley at least I tried.
Also, as far as affection goes, (& this is an example of my should-be-undisputed awkwardness) I can not initiate a hug. I�m not very good at hugging. I just don�t know how to do it. I do the awkward head bob from side to side, trying to figure out where my head goes & then WTF do you do with your arms?? It�s a source of major concern & confusion, which is complicated by the fact that I LOVE hugs & I wish I could hug someone every single GD day.
Julia Chesley knows what she needs to do for herself & is going to do it, no matter what anyone else might think or say.
I've decided to move back to NH.
Julia Chesley's Facebook updates, 2009. Submitted by Meg J. Petersen.
gorse: art in words at ILF Dublin
On Friday 27 May we'll be at a secret location* as part of International Literature Festival Dublin 2016. I was delighted to be asked to programme this event, which I curated around the gorse tagline 'art in words' and which will feature Kimberly Campanello, Maria Fusco, Robert Herbert McClean and Suzanne Walsh.
9pm start, entry �5.00 - Book Here. Full details below:
gorse is �the most vital and outward-looking of Irish literary journals�, featuring long-form narrative essays, original fiction, poetry, interviews and more. An exploration of the potential of literature, gorse is interested in writing where lines between genres blur, and in intersections with other forms of art and culture. For this special event, curated by poetry editor Christodoulos Makris and taking place at a venue to be disclosed to ticket holders on the evening of the performance, gorse presents four writers whose work has appeared in its pages, and with connections to the audio-visual arts.
Kimberly Campanello�s previous poetry publications include her debut collection Consent and the limited edition book Imagines.
Maria Fusco is a Belfast-born writer working across criticism, fiction and theory. Her most recent work, Master Rock, is a repertoire for a mountain, commissioned by Artangel and BBC Radio 4.
Robert Herbert McClean is an experimental writer and audio-visual artist. His debut book Pangs! is available from Test Centre.
Suzanne Walsh is a cross-disciplinary artist whose work often draws on ideas around poetic truth and the human/animal divide.
* to be revealed at time of booking.
9pm start, entry �5.00 - Book Here. Full details below:
gorse is �the most vital and outward-looking of Irish literary journals�, featuring long-form narrative essays, original fiction, poetry, interviews and more. An exploration of the potential of literature, gorse is interested in writing where lines between genres blur, and in intersections with other forms of art and culture. For this special event, curated by poetry editor Christodoulos Makris and taking place at a venue to be disclosed to ticket holders on the evening of the performance, gorse presents four writers whose work has appeared in its pages, and with connections to the audio-visual arts.
Kimberly Campanello�s previous poetry publications include her debut collection Consent and the limited edition book Imagines.
Maria Fusco is a Belfast-born writer working across criticism, fiction and theory. Her most recent work, Master Rock, is a repertoire for a mountain, commissioned by Artangel and BBC Radio 4.
Robert Herbert McClean is an experimental writer and audio-visual artist. His debut book Pangs! is available from Test Centre.
Suzanne Walsh is a cross-disciplinary artist whose work often draws on ideas around poetic truth and the human/animal divide.
* to be revealed at time of booking.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Conversations: Tell all the truth but tell it slant
I heard Garrison Keillor read "Tell all the truth but tell it slant" by Emily Dickinson today on his Writers Almanac program. I have heard it or read it many times, but I realized that I'm still not really sure I understand it completely.
Maybe that's the thing about good poems - that as much as you like hearing them and get some meaning from them, they offer you the chance to revisit them and get eve more from them.
Poets Online has been a website asking you to write towards a prompt since 1998. I enjoy receiving and reading poems submitted and occasionally I develop an email connection with a poet. I know a few poets who have written on the site in the real life of offline and just a few times someone has approached me at a reading to introduce them self as one of the poets published on the site. But that is the rare exception.
In 2005, I started this blog and added Poets Online to Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest - not so much as promotion, but so that readers could connect with me. It happens sometimes, not often.
I'm offering this poem as the first "Conversations" post here. I'm hoping that you will comment on what you get from Emily's poem and that we might all start a conversation about a poem, poet or topic.
I hope you will join the conversation.
Tell all the truth but tell it slant �
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth�s superb surprise
As Lightning to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind �
Maybe that's the thing about good poems - that as much as you like hearing them and get some meaning from them, they offer you the chance to revisit them and get eve more from them.
Poets Online has been a website asking you to write towards a prompt since 1998. I enjoy receiving and reading poems submitted and occasionally I develop an email connection with a poet. I know a few poets who have written on the site in the real life of offline and just a few times someone has approached me at a reading to introduce them self as one of the poets published on the site. But that is the rare exception.
In 2005, I started this blog and added Poets Online to Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest - not so much as promotion, but so that readers could connect with me. It happens sometimes, not often.
I'm offering this poem as the first "Conversations" post here. I'm hoping that you will comment on what you get from Emily's poem and that we might all start a conversation about a poem, poet or topic.
I hope you will join the conversation.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Shab e Barat Mubarak Islamic Pictures with Hadees
Nawafil Baraaye Azaab e Qabar: Pandharween shab ko
(8) rakaat nimaaz salam parhy. Har main soora e fatiha
k baad (10,10) martabah parhy. Allah Paak us Nimaz
k baad parhny waly k liye be shumaar farishty muqarar
kry ga. Jo usy azab e qabar sy nijaat ki aor
dakhil behshat hony ki khushkhabri dein gy.
Shaaban ki pandharween shab ko Nimaaz e Maghrib
k baad (6) rakaat nafal nimaz, do do rakaat kr parhein.
Pehly do nafal parhny sy pehly umar main kher o barkat
ki niyat kryn. Dosry do nafal parhny sy pehly balaon
aor museebat sy mahfooz rehny ki niyat kryn.
Teesry o nafal parhny sy pehly makhlooq ka mohtaah
na hony ki niyat kryn. Har do do nafal adaa krny k baad
aik baar soor e yaseen ya (21) baar soor e ikhlaas
parhein aor darood e pak parh kr dua mangein.
Ilaahi Azzawajjal to bohat muaaf farmany
wala hai. Muaaf farmany ko pasand krta hai.
Pass mujhy muaaf farma dy.
Rasool Akram (P.B.U.H) Farmaty hain mujhy
Jibraeel (A.S) ny khabar di Maah e Shabaan main
Allah taalaa rehmat k teen so (300) darwazy khol deta hai.
Hazrat Ali (R.A) sy riwayat hai keh Rasool Akram
(P.B.U.H) ny irshad e mubarik farmaya keh jb
Shabaan ki pandhraween shab aaye to tum raat
ko qiyaam kro. Yani nawafil parho aor din ko roza rakho.
Ilaahi Azzawajjal tu bohat muaaf farmany wala hai.
Muaaf farmany ko pasand krta hai.
Pass mujhy muaaf farma dy.
Mujhy pukaro, mujh sy hi maango,
Main tumhari duaein sun'ny wala hoon.
Is raat main Allah Taalaa banoo qalab ki bakrion
k baalon k barabar logon ko jahannum sy aazad farmata hai.
Ay Allah! meri madad farmaa keh main tera zikar kroon,
tera shukar adaa kroon aor teri behtreen ibadat kroon.
Hazrat Aysha (R.A) sy riwayat hai keh Rasool Akram
(P.B.U.H) ny farmaya mery pas Jibraeel (A.S) aaye aor
kaha Shaaban ki pandharween raat hai. Is main Allah
Taalaa jahannum sy itny ko aazad farmata hai jitny bani
qalab ki bakrion k baal hain. Magr kafir aor adaawat waly
aor rishty katny waly aor kapra latkany waly aor waldein
ki naa farmani krny waly aor sharaab k aadi ki
taraf rehmat nahi krta.
Shab e baraat (14) rakaat nafal nimaz do do rakaat kr k
aisy parhein keh har rakaat main soor e alfalaah k baad
koi bhi soorat aik aik baar parhein har do rakaat nafal
parhny k baad (14, 14) baar soor e fatiha aor Soor e Ikhlaas
parhein phir aik baar Aayat ul Kursi parhein. Us k baad
Soor al Toabaah ki aayat 128-129 parhein. Is ka bohat
ajr o sawab hai.
Jo maah e shabaan k mukammal rozy rakhta hai
Allah Taalaa sakraat moat sy usy nijaat ataa
fatamata hai. Qabar ki tareeki aor munkir nakeer
ki dehshat o heebat sy mahfooz ho jata hai.
(Nazhat ul majalis).
Shab e qadar ki fazeelat aor sunnat ka tareeqa:-
(4) rakaat (aik salam sy) tarkeeb: har rakaat main
(Alhumdulillah) k baad. (2) baar (soor e alqadar)
(5) baar (soor e ikhlaas. Salam k baad sajdy main
jaa kr (41) baar (Subhan Allah) Parhy.
Fazeelat: Jo dua mango qabool hogi.
Hazart Abdullah Bin Umar (R.A) ny
Rasool Akram (P.B.U.H) sy riwayat ki keh
Rasool Akram (P.B.U.H) ny farmaya Shab e Qadar
ko aakhir ki saat raton main talash kro.
(Sahi Muslim, Kitab ul soam, Page 169, Hadees Number 2762).
Hazrat Ali (R.A) sy riwayat hai keh Rasool Akram
(P.B.U.H) ny irshad e mubarik farmaya keh jb
Shabaan ki pandhraween shab aaye to tum raat
ko qiyaam kro. Yani nawafil parho aor din ko roza rakho.
From the TOI report, concerning "Africans in Delhi" -
"'It's been trouble since
they've been around,'
one Delhi local fears."
they've been around,'
one Delhi local fears."
Jamal-ud-Din Yaqut,
Razia Sultan's lover
be like, "Trouble? For
eight hundred years?"
Razia Sultan's lover
be like, "Trouble? For
eight hundred years?"
Friday, May 20, 2016
Best Urdu Two Line Shayari Collection for Facebook Posts
Nigahein na phero chaly jayen gy hum,
Magr itna yaad rakho Yaad aayengy hum...!!!
Hum ny to Begaana nahi kiya kisi ko apny sy, Zaid
Jis ka dil bharta geya woh hum sy Door jata geya...!!!
Khafa rehny ka shoaq bhi pura kr lo tum,
Lagta hai tumhain hm achy nahi lagty...!!!
Mily woh shakhs agr to usy itna keh dena, Ghalib
Keh koi tumhari har waqt raahein takta hai...!!!
Shiddat e dard main koi kami na aai,
Dard phir dard raha ulta likha yaa sidha...!!!
Aaj Bethi Hun Apny Hi Ghar Ki Dehleez Py Aisy,
Socha Na Tha Muhabbat Yeh Din Dikha Degi...!!!
Jin rahon py hum chalty thy ikathy kabhi, Zaid
Aik arsaa sy woh rahein Sunsaan pari hain...!!!
Khaak Muthi Main Liye Qabar Ki Sochta Hun, Ghalib,
Hum Jo Mar Jaty Hain, To Khawab Kidhar Jaaty Hain...!!!
Toot jaata hai khud sy waasta, Zaid
jab tujh sy Raabta nahi hota...!!!
Dear Shirley
Olive Garden�s new breadstick bun sandwiches
are makdeplanedg their debut
across AmBelaica this week
cashede of these days disbelieving June,
I thchengk you should plashedch yourself
somewhgonofe and then follow
an Olive Garden truck.
I suppose they will make it to
Tucsfertilisations, Ariz.,
but I am not sure if any of them
will get to the Forks.
I dbordered�t know about you, Shirley,
but I always have enjoyed the skIshtarny
breadstick buns with soup and/or salad
foundlings Olive Garden �
Thexemptionse will be people who
up the unlimited sklampreynianions buns.
Thbackhause probably will be people
optcloaksg for the new fentrantstblended
bun sandwiches.
Nobody federalization Olive Garden
evcheesed asked me whgroups I thought.
I just wrote down some
three years ago and ended up braided
nbufferedifaintheartednessal televisidefencive shows.
This is a crazy world we live grotesquery.
We stopped exalters this Olive Garden
for a ldespoile denamelingsngone.
We all had the soup and salad,
and it was vLatinisesy good.
We noticed thintegral the bread sticks
winjunctivee diffdivisionent
from othdecrepitly Olive Gardens'.
They seemed to have less
buttimmoderation and garlic.
The scontemporizingvice was a bit slow,
but it was adequcommiserativee.
The restaurant was busy,
even highwayman a lchillnesse hour.
The place was clean
and nicely
Almost invisibly small text at the bottom of a phishing email that appeared to be from a restaurant chain. Submitted by Manfred Gabriel and Dale Wisely.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
?????? ?? ??????
????? ?? ?????-????? ?????? ???
Monday, May 16, 2016
I'm afraid
I�m afraid of oncoming trains and that feeling
right before a train approaches and the wind is all around you,
when you have no choice but to submit to the surge.
I�m afraid of death, but not like normal death.
I died in a dream and floated above myself
as an amorphous gas. It was strange and terrifying.
I�m afraid of heights, when you are forced
to see just how big everything is around you
and how little it all has to do with you.
I�m afraid that I can only give love to people
I know will hurt me. If the right kind of love
came into my life, I wonder if I�d be able to accept it.
I�m afraid that if I told someone that I love them,
they would think it was stupid � like the Valentines� card
that just gets thrown away. I don�t want to be thrown away.
I�m afraid I wasn�t good enough for him, and that�s why
he didn�t love me anymore. Years of him telling me
that wasn�t the case haven�t put to rest this nagging idea.
I�m afraid of owning things, other than clothes.
The things you let into your life break or break you.
I�m still learning how to live with the things that are broken.
I�m afraid I attach too much self-worth to what other people
think of me. I hate that I always expect him not to call
and am surprised when he does.
I�m afraid I only see the worst in people
or that I expect too much out of them.
This is a metaphor for expecting too much of myself.
I�m afraid that my father and I will never get to a point
where being around him doesn�t make me want to cry
both for no reason and for every reason.
I�m afraid I can�t stop secretly wanting his approval,
no matter how much he hurts me.
I�m afraid this is a clich�.
I�m afraid that everything inside of me is unoriginal,
not worthy of saying out loud. Sometimes I don�t open my mouth
because I�m worried about what will come out if I do.
I�m afraid that I spend so much time trying to do
something that I�ll feel proud of when I�m older
that I forget to be happy right now, in the moment.
I�m afraid that my worry�s not worthy of sharing,
so when people ask me how I am, I say �fine�.
I wouldn�t be able to tell them what�s wrong.
I�m afraid that when people read this they�ll think
I�m another whiny, spoiled, self-conscious twenty-something
that just needs to lighten up and relax.
I worry that I haven�t even earned the right to be anxious,
because what do I even know about suffering?
This makes me want to cry, but I don�t remember how.
I�m afraid you didn�t read this or finish it,
or that it got lost in the shuffle of the billions of things
and that I gave away a part of myself for nothing.
I�m also afraid that you�ll know exactly how I feel, too,
because you feel these same things every day.
I�m afraid that I�m not alone.
From 25 things I'm afraid of by Nico Lang, Thought Catalog, 4 December 2012. Submitted by Angi Holden.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
2 Line Urdu Romantic Shayari for Facebook Pages
Aankhon k qareeb to nahi, lekin
Mery Dil k bohat qareeb ho tum...!!!
Laal baalon wali larki sy puchun ga, Zaid
Kahan sy sikha hai dilon main utar jana...???
Usi darya dili sy aao milty hain,
Jesy Jehlam aor Chanaab milty hain...!!!
Kuch log hathon main zanjeer liye tumhari taaq main hain,
Ay Ishq! humari galiyon main na hi phiro to behtar hai...!!!
Hoti hain Ishq main kuch raaz ki batein, Zaid
Aisy hi to is khail main haara nahi jaata...!!!
Kon kehta hai nafraton main Dard hai, Zaid
Kuch Muhabatein bhi bari aziyat naak hoti hain...!!!
Tujh sy bichar kr yeh Tanhai ki ratein,
katt to jati hain magr kaati nahi jati...!!!
Mujhy Ishq ho geya hai,
main bach to jaongi na..!!
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Things you discover on the first day of cycling in Delhi
Cars are beasts.
You are tiny.
But sometimes, near red-lights,
you can outrun the best of them.
Cycle-lanes change everything.
The Ring-Road takes almost ten seconds to cross,
width-wise, and a life-time to go round.
Working class cycles do not have helmets and lights
and their main purpose is not 'exercise'.
From the Def Col nallah
to the under-the-flyover Saheli office,
is a slight dhalaan you hadn't noticed before,
now it comes as a welcome surprise,
you find out the inclinations of your city,
where it nods, where it raises an eyebrow,
that from the ITO metro station to the Medical College
is a slight chadhaai. You always pay for a dhalaan,
with a chadhaai somewhere else.
Things slows down, as you cycle,
you see different things, notice punture shops near your home,
one opposite DPS Mathura Road, one at the railway tracks
at the Lajpat station.
With this time, you look at things closely,
at Modi posters, at the Madame-Tussauds-trimmed beard,
at funeral processions, at bathing men,
at hypno-Kejriwal.
Rickshaw-pullers ask you
to move it.
Near Pragati Maidan, a boy looks out his school bus, and asks
with a cocky-class-3A-sort-of-smile -
"Uncle, aapke paas bike nahin hai?" ("You don't have a bike?")
"Isme gears nahin hain?"
"Haan," and looks somewhere between disappointed,
amused and pitiful, till an older boy
pulls him down.
Bus drivers that let you pass
deserve a place in heaven.
At 11 Ashoka Road, in the giant party posters,
Atal Bihari Vajpayee and L.K. Advani, though top-left,
feel like bottom-right, and remember the old days,
you cycle past them
as the Lutyens trees open their arms.
You are tiny.
But sometimes, near red-lights,
you can outrun the best of them.
Cycle-lanes change everything.
The Ring-Road takes almost ten seconds to cross,
width-wise, and a life-time to go round.
Working class cycles do not have helmets and lights
and their main purpose is not 'exercise'.
From the Def Col nallah
to the under-the-flyover Saheli office,
is a slight dhalaan you hadn't noticed before,
now it comes as a welcome surprise,
you find out the inclinations of your city,
where it nods, where it raises an eyebrow,
that from the ITO metro station to the Medical College
is a slight chadhaai. You always pay for a dhalaan,
with a chadhaai somewhere else.
Things slows down, as you cycle,
you see different things, notice punture shops near your home,
one opposite DPS Mathura Road, one at the railway tracks
at the Lajpat station.
With this time, you look at things closely,
at Modi posters, at the Madame-Tussauds-trimmed beard,
at funeral processions, at bathing men,
at hypno-Kejriwal.
Rickshaw-pullers ask you
to move it.
Near Pragati Maidan, a boy looks out his school bus, and asks
with a cocky-class-3A-sort-of-smile -
"Uncle, aapke paas bike nahin hai?" ("You don't have a bike?")
"Isme gears nahin hain?"
"Haan," and looks somewhere between disappointed,
amused and pitiful, till an older boy
pulls him down.
Bus drivers that let you pass
deserve a place in heaven.
At 11 Ashoka Road, in the giant party posters,
Atal Bihari Vajpayee and L.K. Advani, though top-left,
feel like bottom-right, and remember the old days,
you cycle past them
as the Lutyens trees open their arms.
11 Ashoka Road,
Arvind Kejriwal,
Atal Bihari Vajpayee,
Defence Colony,
L.K. Advani,
Lutyens Delhi,
Narendra Modi,
Pragati Maidan,
Friday, May 13, 2016
Sad Boy pic with Shayari - Dil tuta Shayari With Photo Wallpaper
Sad Boy pic with Shayari - Dil tuta Shayari With Photo Wallpaper
Kuchh kadam hum chale
Kuchh kadam tum chale
Farq sirf itna raha
Hum chale to faasla ghat-ta gaya
Aur tum chale to faasla badhta gaya.
Continue Reading �
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Pyaar ke liye Hindi Romantic Shayari - Love Romantic Shayari
Pyaar ke liye Hindi Romantic Shayari - Love Romantic Shayari
Jahan dekhta hoon tu hi tu nazar aati hai
teri tasveer mein sara sansar nazar aata hai
Yeh kis duniya mein le aayi tu mujhe
Kahawaishon se bhara har geet nazar aata hai
Continue Reading �
watching him with her
she sang
and he danced�
he is mad
or I am much mistaken
From The Philosophy of Grammar by Otto Jespersen (New York: The Norton Library, 1965), p. 90. Submitted by Catherine B. Krause.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Revolutions #12 & 35
Every revolution
is a throw
of the dice.
Only violence
helps where
violence rules.
Who are
we anyway?
Eyes that
do not want
to close
at all times
when the green
of the earth
glistens anew.
English translations of Jean-Marie Straub and Daniele Huillet film titles, as found in MoMA member calendar, May/June 2016. Submitted by Howie Good.
European Literature Night 2016 - Edinburgh & London
I look forward to taking part in European Literature Night for the second year running, expanded and rebranded as European Literature Festival, this time representing Ireland at events in Edinburgh and London over 13-14 May 2016.
I'm especially excited to be contributing to these showcases of the diversity of writing and compositional approaches that currently exists in the continent, and to highlight and celebrate the inclusive, cross-border and unhierarchical nature of these events.
My participation is possible thanks to generous funding support from Culture Ireland.
Edinburgh, Friday 13 May
The Edinburgh edition, curated by Colin Herd, Theodora Danek and SJ Fowler, and presented by The Enemies Project on behalf of UNESCO Edinburgh City of Literature, will comprise two events:
Part 1: 5pm � 6.30pm at North Edinburgh Arts Centre, 15a Pennywell Road, Edinburgh, EH4 4TZ: Performances from selected poets involved in European Literature Night.
Part 2: 8pm - 10.30pm at Summerhall, Summerhall Place, Edinburgh, EH9 1PL � Red Lecture Theatre: Performances from European and local to Edinburgh poets followed by a specially commissioned collective performance.
Both events are free, but booking (through the links above) is recommended.
�sta Fanney Sigur�ard�ttir, Nurduran Duman, Billy Ramsell, Alessandro Burbank, Alexander Filyuta, Christodoulos Makris, Efe Duyan, Martin Bakero & Tomica Bajsic. With supporting readings by Edinburgh-based poets Heather O�Donnell, Dominic Hale, Colin Herd and Graeme Smith.
Be a part of #EuroPoem: #EuroPoem is a collaborative international poetry initiative which responds to a need to explore what Europe is, means, and can be ahead of the UK�s referendum on EU membership. European writers are invited to submit two lines of poetry to the collective poem; contributions are of equal value, with no one poet setting the agenda of the poem. Curated by Colin Herd and Theodora Danek, #EuroPoem is an exciting cross-European poetry event. Following its launch in Edinburgh at Summerhall, the poem will continue to emerge and evolve online through the Twitter hashtag #EuroPoem. No two versions of the poem need be the same, as it will constantly re-emerge as poets from across Europe continue to add to this collaborative work. We would like you to be part of this first iteration of #EuroPoem and become part of European Literature Festival. Please tweet your two lines of poetry to @edincityoflit using the hashtag #EuroPoem as part of European Literature Festival on 13th May, or email Colin Herd on europoem2016@gmail.com with your contribution.
London, Saturday 14 May
With my fellow participants in Edinburgh I will then travel to London for the following evening's first ever European Poetry Night. Curated by SJ Fowler, it will feature brand new collaborations across languages, styles and nations written specifically for the occasion - including my collaboration with France-based poet, musician and psychotherapist Mart�n Bakero.
Rich Mix Arts Centre, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, London E1 6LA
7.00pm, Free Entry
Vanni Bianconi (Switzerland) & Billy Ramsell (Ireland)
Alessandro Burbank (Italy) & Alexander Filyuta (Russia / Germany)
�sta Fanney Sigur�ard�ttir (Iceland) & SJ Fowler (UK)
Ulrike Ulrich (Switzerland) & Jen Calleja (UK / Malta)
Nurduran Duman (Turkey) & Jonathan Morley (UK)
Christodoulos Makris (Ireland / Cyprus) & Martin Bakero (France)
Tomica Bajsic (Croatia) & Colin Herd (Scotland)
Ghareeb Iskander (UK) & Ahsan Akbar (UK)
Ariadne Radi Cor (Italy) & Iris Colomb (France)
Ana Seferovic (Serbia) & Agnieszka Studzinka (Poland)
Rufo Quintavalle (UK / France) & Ian Monk (UK / France)
Niillas Holmberg (Sami) & Peter Sulej (Slovakia)
Efe Duyan (Turkey) & Livia Franchini (Italy)
I'm especially excited to be contributing to these showcases of the diversity of writing and compositional approaches that currently exists in the continent, and to highlight and celebrate the inclusive, cross-border and unhierarchical nature of these events.
My participation is possible thanks to generous funding support from Culture Ireland.
Edinburgh, Friday 13 May
The Edinburgh edition, curated by Colin Herd, Theodora Danek and SJ Fowler, and presented by The Enemies Project on behalf of UNESCO Edinburgh City of Literature, will comprise two events:
Part 1: 5pm � 6.30pm at North Edinburgh Arts Centre, 15a Pennywell Road, Edinburgh, EH4 4TZ: Performances from selected poets involved in European Literature Night.
Part 2: 8pm - 10.30pm at Summerhall, Summerhall Place, Edinburgh, EH9 1PL � Red Lecture Theatre: Performances from European and local to Edinburgh poets followed by a specially commissioned collective performance.
Both events are free, but booking (through the links above) is recommended.
�sta Fanney Sigur�ard�ttir, Nurduran Duman, Billy Ramsell, Alessandro Burbank, Alexander Filyuta, Christodoulos Makris, Efe Duyan, Martin Bakero & Tomica Bajsic. With supporting readings by Edinburgh-based poets Heather O�Donnell, Dominic Hale, Colin Herd and Graeme Smith.
Be a part of #EuroPoem: #EuroPoem is a collaborative international poetry initiative which responds to a need to explore what Europe is, means, and can be ahead of the UK�s referendum on EU membership. European writers are invited to submit two lines of poetry to the collective poem; contributions are of equal value, with no one poet setting the agenda of the poem. Curated by Colin Herd and Theodora Danek, #EuroPoem is an exciting cross-European poetry event. Following its launch in Edinburgh at Summerhall, the poem will continue to emerge and evolve online through the Twitter hashtag #EuroPoem. No two versions of the poem need be the same, as it will constantly re-emerge as poets from across Europe continue to add to this collaborative work. We would like you to be part of this first iteration of #EuroPoem and become part of European Literature Festival. Please tweet your two lines of poetry to @edincityoflit using the hashtag #EuroPoem as part of European Literature Festival on 13th May, or email Colin Herd on europoem2016@gmail.com with your contribution.
London, Saturday 14 May
With my fellow participants in Edinburgh I will then travel to London for the following evening's first ever European Poetry Night. Curated by SJ Fowler, it will feature brand new collaborations across languages, styles and nations written specifically for the occasion - including my collaboration with France-based poet, musician and psychotherapist Mart�n Bakero.
Rich Mix Arts Centre, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, London E1 6LA
7.00pm, Free Entry
Vanni Bianconi (Switzerland) & Billy Ramsell (Ireland)
Alessandro Burbank (Italy) & Alexander Filyuta (Russia / Germany)
�sta Fanney Sigur�ard�ttir (Iceland) & SJ Fowler (UK)
Ulrike Ulrich (Switzerland) & Jen Calleja (UK / Malta)
Nurduran Duman (Turkey) & Jonathan Morley (UK)
Christodoulos Makris (Ireland / Cyprus) & Martin Bakero (France)
Tomica Bajsic (Croatia) & Colin Herd (Scotland)
Ghareeb Iskander (UK) & Ahsan Akbar (UK)
Ariadne Radi Cor (Italy) & Iris Colomb (France)
Ana Seferovic (Serbia) & Agnieszka Studzinka (Poland)
Rufo Quintavalle (UK / France) & Ian Monk (UK / France)
Niillas Holmberg (Sami) & Peter Sulej (Slovakia)
Efe Duyan (Turkey) & Livia Franchini (Italy)
Sunday, May 8, 2016
10+ Two Line Urdu Shayari Pictures Collection for Facebook
Tum ko darr hai Bhula na dyn tum ko,
Humein bhi apni tarah samjhty ho...!!!
Darj tha hi nahi woh kitabon main,
Jo sabaq Dunia walon ny sikhaya...!!!
Kisi ka dekh kr zara sa Muskura dena,
kisi kay wastay Kaainaat hoti hai...!!!
Bheedd Itni To Nahi Thi Bazar E Ishq Main, Zaid
Khony Waly Tu Ny Kuch Der To Dhunda Hota...!!!
Judaai Ka Zehar Pi Chuki Hun, Zaid
Ay Moat! Ab Tu Aa Q Nahi Jaati...!!!
Is Tanhai ka bara ahsan hai hum par,
Yeh sath na hoti to hum kidhar jaty ...!!!
Kalaai Na Pakra Kro, Na Hi Paas Aaya Karo, Ghalib
Bat Choorion Ki Nahi, Jazaat Machal Jaty Hain..!!!
Itni Muhabbat doon keh tu mera ho jaye,
Phr main zamany ko tery liye Tarasta dekhun...!!!
Kaash! keh koi Ikhtiyar mery pas bhi hota,
Usy pany ka ya chupky sy mar jany ka...!!!
Tujh ko khabar nahi magr aik baat sun lo,
Barbad kr diya tery do din k ishq ny mujhy...!!!
Tumhari baatein lambi hain, daleelein hain, bahany hain,
Humari baat sirf itni hai, keh humari Zindagi tum ho...!!!
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